Our Curriculum

At Miniland Academy High School, the curriculum is structured in a manner that keeps your child in touch with the ever-changing world trends, right from the junior years to the senior level. We provide education with an objective to empower students to make decisions, to find creative solutions and plan effective action strategies.

Fee Rules

• 1st installment: in April

• 2nd installment: till 10th august (July to September)

• 3rd installment: till 10th November (October to December)

• 4th installment: till 10th February (January to March)

• Late fee will be charged if fee is not deposited for the mentioned dates.

Visiting Hours for Parents

General Enquiry: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Teachers: With the permission of the principal can meet/visit on 2nd and 4th working Saturday 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Fee Counter: 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM

School Timing:


8:45 AM to 11:45 AM (Pre-Nursery), Saturday will be holiday

8:45 AM to 2:45 PM (Nursery and KG)

8:45 AM to 2:45 PM (6th to 8th), on Saturday (8:45 AM to 1:45 PM)

• Shift-II

10:30 AM to 2:45 PM (4th and 5th), on Saturday (10:30 AM to 1:45 PM)

• Shift-III

12:00 PM to 4:00 PM (1st to 3rd), on Saturday (12:00 PM to 2:45 PM)

Admission Procedure

Rules and Regulations

• Admission of the primary section is basically reserved for our own students coming from the pre-primary section. Students coming on transfer basis are eligible to seek admission if there is any vacancy.

• No admission is complete until the school leaving certificate from the last recognized school is submitted counter signed by educational authority.

• The original mark sheet of the last exam from the previous school must be submitted in priority.

Admission Formalities

• The selected students should come with their parents.

• True copy of mark sheet, TC (duly counter signed) and two passport size photos should be brought along.

• The admission formalities should be completed within given days after the declaration of the entrance exam results.

• The management committee is the final and binding authority for the rules and policies of admission.

Age Limit

Pre-Nursery: 2.5 years (as on 1st July of the commencing session)

Nursery: 3.5 years

KG: 4.5 years

House System

• Various activities, events and sports/games are organized throughout the session to give platform and develop sprit of healthy competition among children. Students are divided into four houses. Each house is headed by a house in charge along with other teachers to share responsibilities. Inter house competitions will be organized. Points will be given on the basis of house performance in different inter house competitions.

• House who scores maximum points will be the winner. A running trophy will be awarded to the winner house.

• Houses:-

a) Ruby house – Red

b) Sapphire house – Blue

c) Emerald house – Green

d) Topaz house – Yellow

A worthy student of the school

A miniland academy student is proud of his/her school and should show it by:

• Respecting the elders, especially one’s parents and teachers, standing up as and when they enter/leave a room in which he/she happens to be, standing erect when being spoken to by them, helping them as and when the need arises, never making fun of them or causing any kind of disrespect what so ever.

• Being friendly and not quarrelsome with companions.

• Being honest in dealing with others, truthful in speech and supporting in behavior.

• Excelling in studies.

• Being clean and dry, always having the shirt buttoned, hair done up and shoes polished. Helping others to clean and wash up, in school and in the classroom, not scattering papers on the floor.

• Not using vulgar words anywhere.

• Always being cheerful and smiling and ready to extend a helping hand to others.

• Always being loyal to fellow countrymen.

• Always holding one’s own head high, calm and cool.

• Always being patient in listing, discreet and rational in expression.

Withdrawal & Transfer Certificates

• The parents who require T.C. (Transfer Certificate) are requested to apply in writing before 10th April.

• The parents who apply for TC after 10th April will have to pay annual charges for the new commencing session before the child is withdrawn.

• TC will be issued only after 156 days of the submission of application for TC.

• TC application on phone or verbally will not be entertained.

• Transfer certificates will not be issued under the following circumstances:

a) The parents/guardian have failed to submit the transfer certificates from the previous school where the child has studied.

b) The dues pertaining to the school have not been paid.

• Students may be asked to leave the school on the following ground:

a) Nonpayment of school dues.

b) Parents repeatedly not meeting the teacher in the school when called. Using unfair means in any examination or attempting to influence any teacher by any examination.

c) Consistent unsatisfactory progress in studies.

d) Conduct harmful to others.

e) Late fees.

School Transport Rules

• Conveyance facility to pre-nursery student will be provided for the month of august.

• Students are expected to be at the door side or recommended pick up point at least 5 min. prior to the arrival of the van.

• Parents are requested not to ask the driver to wait if their child is not ready.

• It is the responsibility of the parent to see that the children are made to board the van. Driver or conductors will not go inside the main gate of the house to pick children. Similarly in the afternoon parent should be present at the main gate of the house to pick the child.

• Students are expected to show proper conduct in the van.

• Shrieking and shouting, littering, damaging the van is strictly prohibited.

• Student should sit wherever the seat is available. Discussing and fighting for seats must be discouraged by the parent as well as the driver.

• The drivers are advised not to stop the van as per demand of children to buy toffees, pencil, notebooks, etc. this should not be demanded by the parents also.

• Only in case of emergency at a written request of parent to the school authorities the child will be dropped at a stop other than the recommended one.

• Full fee for the month of March & April will be charged. In case of withdrawal of school transport one full months notice is to be given, failing which full months conveyance fee will be charged.

• In case the driver on leave he will be responsible to inform the parents in advance. In such cases parents will be responsible to drop and pick the children from school.

• In case of an emergency regarding the driver’s absence or mechanical problems parents are requested to cooperate.

• In case of any kind of problem or complain with the transport service staff the same should be reported to the school authorities. No instructions or suggestion should be given to the driver or conductors directly.

Promotion Policy Average Marking

Nursery & KG

• There will be two bimonthly examinations, half yearly & annual for the academic assessment. Students have to compulsory appear for all oral & written exams. Result will be given on cumulative bases i.e. 10% for bimonthly, 15% for half yearly and 75% for annual.

• Time table and portion for every exam can be obtained by the parent after paying the fee due for the period.

• In case of long term absence of the child before the exam it is duty of the parents to contact the class teacher for time table and portion according to schedule given in calendar.

Classes I to X

• There will be three semester exams quarterly, half yearly and annual. To appear for all exams is compulsory for all students. Absence for the test and examination shall be entirely at the responsibility of student and parent only.

• In case of absence due to illness parents should come and contact in the school office with a medical certificate on the exam day itself.

• Students getting average marks in case of absence shall not be given rank.

• Student will have to obtain minimum D grade in any subject to be promoted.

• Marks for the projects and lab math’s activity will be conducted on overall result. Thus it is compulsory to submit the allotted project at proper time.

• Exam copy will be shown only in the PTM scheduled after every exams.


• It is compulsory for all students to maintain 80% attendance during the course of the academic session to enable them to appear for the annual exams. Te percentage however could be relaxed on medical grounds.

• Parents should fill up the absence/leave record, stating the reason for absence.

• Reported absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive day’s renders the students liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Readmission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fee.

• Students who have been sick for more than 5 days should bring medical certificates from their doctor on re-joining the school.

• Absence during test/exam. In case of absence due to sickness or any other reason during the test/exam parents have to inform the principal and provide required documents. In case of absence the student will get average marks.

School Uniform Specification

Uniform for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

Class (Pre Nursery, Nursery and KG)

Girls: Frock in yellow and green combination. Girls are permitted to wear green slacks under frock in winter.

Boys: Green half pant and yellow checked half shirt. Green full pant in winter.

Tie: green with school mono belt-green with school mono in buckle.

Socks: green socks

Shoes: black leather shoes with buckles (for girls) & laces (for boys)

Winter Wear: Green sweater with hoodie.

Boys class (1st-10th): Green full pant & yellow checked half shirt.

Girls Class (1st-5th): Green pleated skirt & yellow check half shirt. Green tights/cycle shorts are compulsory. Girls are permitted to wear green slacks under skirt in winter (November to February)

Tie: Green with school mono

Belt: Green with school mono in buckle

Classes (6th-10th): Yellow checked kurti 3/4th sleeves, green pant & green sleeveless jacket (tie & belt are not required)

Socks: Green socks

Shoes: Black leather shoes with buckles (for girls) & laces (for boys)

Winter Wear (1st-5th): Sweater with hoodie in green color

(6th-10th): Green blazer

Uniform for Wednesday and Saturday

(This uniform will be common for boys and girls both)

Class (Pre Nursery, Nursery and KG): Navy blue shorts and red half T-shirt with school mono.

Classes (1st-10th): House uniform- house t-shirt, navy blue lower, white canvas shoes with white socks.

House T-shirt with school mono

• Ruby house : Blood red color

• Sapphire house : Royal blue color

• Emerald house : Green color

• Topaz house : Yellow color


• For girls – two pleats with black accessories with regular uniform. One ponytail & black accessory with house uniform.

• Boys’ hair must cut short. Sikh boys must wear green patkas.

Other specification

• Mehndi/tattoos/long nails/nail paint or art is strictly prohibited in school.

• No fancy hair style or hair coloring is allowed.

• Caps are not allowed inside school premises except winter season.

• Students are not allowed to wear valuable jewellery and expensive watches. School will not be responsible for the loss of such articles.

• Only green scarf and cap is allowed during winter.

General Instructions/ Guidelines for Parents/ Guardians

• Read the contents of this almanac carefully and abide by the rules laid down by the school authorities. It is guardians should advise about the contents of this almanac to their wards. Ignorance of rules & regulations will not be accepted as an excuse.

• Any communication made by you, should be addressed to the principal through the class teacher and always quote the name, admission number, class and section of your ward.

• The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the students e.g. water bottle, bag, blazers, umbrella, etc.

• You are required to inform the school if there is any change in your address or telephone number(s).

• Children when sick should not be sent to school.

• Your ward should come to school in proper uniform on all working days and for all school functions including every PTM day. Students who are not in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their classrooms.

• You are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help your ward’s progress by paying attention to his regularity, punctuality and discipline.

• You should look into ward’s almanac every day and see that the lessons and homework assigned for the day is done. Students should be encouraged to cultivate neatness. Remarks put down in the diary should be checked and countersigned regularly.

• Gifting or presenting any item to teachers/staff is strictly prohibited.

• Parents are requested not to enter classrooms to see their children or teachers during class hours.

• In case of any legitimate complaint or if you feel your ward is not making the desired progress, you should meet the principal at the earliest or write to him personally.

• Parents’ attention is drawn to the fact that the criticism of the teacher or school in the presence of a child should be scrupulously avoided because it may cause the student to lose respect towards teachers.

• Restrict daily pocket money. Excessive spending should be discouraged.

• Parents are advised to be conscious of the fact that school is actually a supplement to the home and not its substitute. It is very important that parents/guardians extend their co-operation to the school in all matters concerning their wards. Parents should help the child develop a study plan at home and see that it is adhered to.

• Leave for half day should not be asked for. In emergency, written permission must be taken from the principal and class teacher. The bus in-charge must be duly informed.

• Any information given in the almanac is subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the school authorities.

• Parents are advised to give personal attention to their wards for regular home work, project and exams. However if a child needs tution from school teacher make sure that school authorities are informed about it. Tution from class teachers and subject teachers are strictly not allowed.

• Either of the parents or guardian must make sure that they attend the PTM (Parents Teachers Meeting) regularly. English books, work books grammar books rough notebook and a pen should be brought in every PTM.

• Parents may bring mobile phones for PTM to record recitation storytelling and conversation.

• Parents are requested to plan celebrations, outings, marriages, etc. according to school calendar. Any kind of request to change the schedule of exams will not be entertatained.

• Parents are advised to be very prompt and aware regarding the notices served during absence of their wards from school. School will not be responsible exam time table, PTM notice, holiday notice are not served to a student due to his/her absence.

• Parents should be punctual for the PTM. Discipline should be maintained in school premises.

• Conversations done with teachers should be short to the point respect for teachers should be maintained.

• School authorities should be contacted on mobiles in case it is very urgent only during school hours.

• Parents are requested not to ask for change in section of their children every section is planned having students of different caliber.

Code of Conduct and General Instructions for Students

• Students should use the word ‘PLEASE’ when asking for something and ‘THANK YOU’ when receiving and ‘EXECUSE ME’ when other conversation has to be interrupted.

• They should avoid vulgarity in talk and behavior.

• They should respect/wish their teachers/elders.

• They should follow the rule of language English once they are in the school campus.

• They should desist from undesirable behavior like whistling, shouting or running in the corridors while in the school.

• No student should indulge in any of the following practices:

a) Rowdyism and rude behavior.

b) Use of violence in any form.

c) Casteism, communication or practice of untouchability.

d) Bursting crackers, throwing colours on one another.

e) Insubordination.

• They should never cheat or be unfair at play and should be truthful at all cost.

• They should stand up gently when a teacher or visitor comes to talk to them.

• They should not keep hands in pocket or stand in skew while talking with elders.

• Respect the beauty of the classroom and of the school premises and report any damage if you observe.

• Students are expected to observe certain discipline and decorum in their behavior in and outside the school as it reflects the image of the school.

• They should observe polite manners wherever they go.

• They should always be friendly with others in all circumstances.

• Students are expected to join school on the notified date at the beginning of the semester.

• Every school appointee should wear his/her identity tag/badge daily.

• All students should arrive at bus stop 5 minutes before the start of the school.

• Attendance on all national festival days and school functions is compulsory for students.

• Students who are not in proper uniform will not be permitted to enter their classrooms.

• The bell before assembly is a signal for all to go to the prayer ground. This should be done promptly and in silence.

• Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.

• Each student will be assigned a seat in his/her class which cannot be changed at will. A prior permission is to be sought from the class teacher.

• Students should accept whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share and face difficulties courageously.

• Students should always be ready to lend a helping hand to their parents, teachers and companies or any unattended visitor whom they happen to meet in the school premises.

• Students should never hesitate to say “NO” when asked or tempted to do anything which is wrong.

• Instead of lamenting and grumbling over the evils of the world, the students should try to contribute their share in making it a better place to live in.

• Students are expected to show respect to the teachers at all times. When the teacher enters or leaves the classroom, students should stand up and wish the teacher.

• The student must take care of his/her belongings like books, money, clothes, etc. Anything left by the student in the school shall be deposited with the school offices as lost property, which will be given back to the owner on claiming it. However, the school will not be responsible for any such loss.

• Care must be taken of school property and no student should scratch or damage school property or write or draw on the walls or cause damage in any item belonging to the school. Any damage done will render the student liable for recovery of damages.

• Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments/cutter or any other object, which can cause injury to others.

• Students are not allowed to wear jewellery, expensive watches, bracelets, etc. or bring calculators, mobile phones etc. to the school. In case of loss of valuables or other articles, the school will not undertake any responsibility for the loss and strict disciplinary action may be initiated against them.

• Waste paper, fruit peels, etc. must be thrown only in the waste paper bins. Students should take care to keep the school premises clean.

• Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.

• Any breach of decency or any work or action which is likely to lower the image of the school is regarded as a breach of discipline.

• The school reserves the right to expel any student whose progress in studies is considered unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to the school atmosphere. Non-compliance of these instructions can also result in expulsion from the school.

• Students should affix his/her photograph and write the required information duly signed by the parent in the space provide for in the almanac.

• Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.

• No shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school building. Running in corridors is strictly forbidden.

• Students must arrange their bags according to the weekly time table.

• In case they forget to bring fair notebook they should use rough note books or loose pages. But they should make sure that class works are done positively, whatever may be the condition.

• In case of absence students should be responsible enough to borrow notes from their classmates. Teachers will not be responsible for the portions missed due to absence.

• All the books and notebooks should be well covered, labeled with names and subjects written on thickness part of the books and copies.

• No ballpoint pen should be used for school work.

• 5 mark will be allotted in each subject in annual exams, if the course is completed, signed by the teachers and copies are in good condition.